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Looking forward to connecting with you!

Adesina šŸ™‚


There are 6 comments so far

  • duranay
    9 years ago · Reply

    your art is very nice,liking ı follow šŸ˜‰ I like to discuss the presenter and TV

    • Desi Author
      9 years ago · Reply

      Thank you so much Duranay!

  • Darrell Short
    7 years ago · Reply

    Hi Ms Sanchez . I am amazed with your fine art work. I draw and paint portraits and landscapes also. I would love to know more about how to do animation. I am not really computer savvy like most people. I wish you continued success. I am trying to figure out how to make a living with my participation skill.

    • Adesina Author
      6 years ago · Reply

      Thanks so much Darrell; I’m sorry we didn’t see your comment until now; we’re re-doing the site and comment notifications are one of the issues we’ll be addressing.

      It’s great that you are an artist; keep at it! If you want to learn more about animation, you may want to explore continuing education classes at your local college. Contact them and inquire if they have any computer art classes and they may be able to point you in the right direction.

      Thanks again and wishing you the best,

  • 6 years ago · Reply


    Good to see that you are continuing your journey.



    • Adesina Author
      6 years ago · Reply

      Thank you Kenn! I appreciate it & happy new year!

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