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What an exhilarating competition! I finally have a moment to share a photo from when I announced at the Enactus World Cup earlier this month in San Jose, and I’m already nostalgic.

And can I tell you about the winners? The new Enactus World Cup šŸ† Champions are Enactus Lambton of Enactus Canada and they did SUCH a phenomenal job! Congratulations to them!!!

This win was definitely a long time coming: Their Project One Seed  began all the way back in 2012, in Zambia, Africa — one of the poorest countries on the planet. One of the biggest problems there? Hunger.

To address this issue, the students worked together with the local people to revamp their entire farming methodology. This ultimately brought tens of thousands of families out of hunger, produced millions of pounds of  food, eliminated hundreds of millions of pounds of waste, and has allowed for the development of necessary infrastructure, like schools and clinics!

There’s so much more to say about these young people and all they have accomplished, but I’ll leave you with this: If you ever look at the craziness happening in the world and lose hope, just remember that there are literally thousands of students competing to do good across the globe through Enactus each and every year! They are our future ā¤ļø, and that’s why We All Win.
