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The UBEAT / HITN Super Smash Brothers Virtual Bootcamp was a success! I had so much fun hosting this live eSports bootcamp for Chicago area high school students. From the opening rounds to the breathless final, these kids really showed off their skills, all while getting valuable competitive experience and learning from the best of the best in the eSports industry.

Watch the full broadcast here:

Joined by my dear friends and phenomenal casting duo Danny Peña and Erin A. Simon, I hosted the two-day event on June 15 & 16 from the Brooklyn HITN studios, while the students played from home. We also had the honor of hearing from gaming pros Hector Sanchez, Head of Epic Games Publishing; Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez of NBC’s the Titan Games; and so many more!

Read more about the bootcamp on the official HITN page:

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