It’s here! Move, jump, and sweat with me as I try out all kinds of new and unique workouts on HealthiNation’s TryOutWorkout!
First episode: Boxing! Watch now »
I’m so excited about this new series; it really hits home. After all, there are so many ways to stay fit, how can you try them all? The time, the expense; plus, it can be nerve-wracking to enter into a new & intense fitness atmosphere (have you ever walked into a Crossfit gym?!), feeling like a total noob and wondering if you’re in over your head.
Ever since I got back on my fitness game in March of 2012 (True story: after discovering one morning I was winded just climbing a flight of stairs, I knew I had to start exercising again!), I’ve been pretty good about getting in my 2-4 running sessions per week, but I still didn’t have the guts to try anything new. Until now!
This first season, we’re doing fencing, boxing, aerial silks, Surfset, yoga, and more. So if you’ve ever wanted to try something new for your fitness regimen (or even just workout for the first time!), but weren’t sure where to start, then come with me and check out TryOut Workout. I discovered so many new activities I really enjoy, and I think you will too. 🙂
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