
Episode 2 of TryOut Workout is live! This time I’m trying out Boing with Kangoo, a crazy fun class at Crunch Gym in NYC led by instructor Diane, who taught me all the ropes about balancing, jumping and even doing aerobics, in these unique exercise shoes.

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Kangoo Jumps were originally invented as an exercise device to ease strain on joints for those recovering from injuries, but now they’ve gone mainstream and are used by anyone who wants to have a lot of fun, while getting a really great workout!

TryOut Workout learning how to balance in Kangoo JumpsAt first the shoes took a bit of getting used to – standing in them made me totally aware of my center of gravity, and I kept shifting my weight without even trying. But once I started moving and jumping, I noticed it got easier.

And the class choreography, rather than making things more difficult, actually helped me to get my mind off of trying to balance, and instead focused me on learning and executing the moves. The result? My body took over the task of balancing on its own, and by the end of the class, I could easily stand still on one foot, do jumping jacks, and pretty much anything I wanted, without losing my balance. (It’s crazy how our conscious minds can sometimes get in the way of learning something new!)

Check out this silly Vine we made after I got the hang of the shoes 🙂 –>

I am totally psyched about this workout and will definitely head back to Crunch again and bring some friends. If you try it out for yourself, lemme know how it goes in the comments below, or on Facebook!

